I am a senior software engieneer at Bytedance. At Bytedance I am focusing on practical and large-scale recommendation systems. I was previously a data scientist at Baidu Research, Big Data Lab (BDL), under the supervision of Professor Zhang Tong , Dr. Fan Wei and Dr. Wu Haishan.
I obtained my Doctor and Bachelor degree from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University in Jul. 2016 and Jul. 2011, respectively. I worked in lab of NGN and my advisor is Professor Xing Li. I was a visiting student at Sandlab under the supervision of Professor Ben Y. Zhao and Professor Heather Zheng from Sep. 2013 to Aug. 2014(at UC Santa Barbara, but they moved to UChicago in Sep., 2017). I ranked the first place in the college entrance examination of Jiangsu Province in 2007.
My research interests include machine learning, NLP, the analysis and modeling of online social networks, mining large scale of data and Privacy and Security. I worked on graph sampling as an undergraduate student. Here is a list of my publications, or you may visit my Google Scholar.
- Conference TPC: ICCCN'18, ICCE-Berlin'15, ICCE-Berlin'14
- Conference Reviewer: WWW'16, WWW'15, ICCE-Berlin'13
- Journal editor and review: WWWJ, IEEE Access, IMWUT
- Nov. 2017: Our DeepScan paper on LBSN spammer detection is accepted by IEEE Communication Maganize (an amazing if 10.435!!!) Congrats to QY and Yang.
- Nov. 2017: Moved to ByteDance as a senior software engineer. I will mostly work on recommendations and security issues.
- Oct. 2017: ICCCN 2018 TPC member.
- Dec. 2016: Our Seeking Alpha paper on crowdsourced investment strategy got accepted by TWEB!
- Sep. 2016: My intern Mengwen got her paper on location selection accepted by SigSpatial'16. Congrats Mengwen!
- Feb. 2016: Our Waze paper which defends against sybils on a crowdsourced map service waze got accepted by Mobisys'16. Congrats to Gang, Bolun and all!
- Nov. 2015: Our Weibo paper which reveals the impact of function design in OSNs got accepted by Frontiers of Computer Scienece. Thanks to Yang, Gang, Bolun and all!
- Aug. 2014: Our SeekingAlpha paper on predicting stock markets got accepted by CSCW'15. Congrats to Gang, Bolun and all!
- Jul. 2014: Our whisper paper on anonymous social network got accepted by IMC'14. Congrats to Gang and Bolun!
- Jun. 2014: Our adversarial ML paper is reported by Mit Tech Review.
- May. 2014: Our adversarial ML paper got accepted by Usenix Security'14. Congrats to Gang! This paper is a followup study of my poster in SIGCOMM 2013.
- Sep. 2013: I arrive at UCSB and will visit SandLab with Professor Ben Y. Zhao for one year!
- Aug. 2013: Our paper Understanding User Behavior in Online Social Networks: A Survey is accpeted by IEEE Communication Magazine(IF=3.661). Congratulations to Long and Yang!
- Aug. 2013: I attended SIGCOMM 2013 at HK, where I presented a poster titled Characterizing and Detecting Malicious Crowdsourcing.
- May. 2013: My poster is accepted by SIGCOMM 2013.
- May. 2013: I win a scholarship from China Scholarship Council to support my one-year visit to UCSB with Professor Ben Y. Zhao.